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          Pegasus Maintenance



          The Boeing CH-47 Chinook - Wings of the Dragon.


CW4 Floyd Wayne "Rubberhead" Roberts - A Maintenance Test Pilot, and Best of the Best, circa 1988.
   To support the Wings of the Dragon and be ready for action anytime, anywhere in the world, flight crews operating the Boeing Chinook helicopter must have reliable aircraft. Come see how we maintain this fine machine.


Fly Fishing in a Chinook.

- Gone Fishin -



11 April 2001: During phase maintenance,  CH-47 Chinook helicopter xx-xx182 gets dismantled and thoroughly checked for mechanical and structural deficiencies at Bagram Air Base. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger version of this image [266 Kb].
   "It has often been said, with a certain amount of truth, that the Army refused to face up to the price that must be paid for airmobility. As a consequence, its organizations have usually been short of the necessary maintenance, supply, and security personnel. Part of this chronic
          shortage resulted from a long-standing battle between the "user" and the logisticians. Understandably since the early concept of an airmobile division, the tactical commander has wanted organic maintenance detachments down to the battalion level. This gives him the maximum responsiveness and a great deal of flexibility. From a logistician's viewpoint, such decentralization is a fragmentation of scarce skills and expensive special tools."
   - Lieutenant General John J. Tolson, 1973, in writing about airmobility operations in Vietnam 1961-1971.
An unknown Chinook sitting on pallets in the Middle Eastern Theater, circa 2001.
             "You can't constantly ride a piece of equipment hard and put it away wet. Every now and then you have to take it to the barn and fix it."
   - Major General Johnny M. Riggs, Commander of the First U.S. Army - March 2000.


          Aircraft Status Report


          Commander's morning briefing:

             Currently the unit Operational Readiness (OR) Rate is 92 percent.

             The Flying Hour Program for Fiscal Year (FY) 2012 is 2,400.0 hours. The unit has flown approximately 200.0 hours per month. There are approximately 1,600.0 hours remaining in the annual flying hour program.

             The high time aircraft has 191.9 flight hours remaining until phase. The low time aircraft has 52.3 flight hours remaining until phase.

             The unit is presently assigned 16 helicopters. One helicopter is in Cycle One, Phase 2 maintenance, and is expected to be completed on the 15th of next month.

             Historically , the average time to complete the phase maintenance requirements in this unit is 31.2 days, including weekends.

             There are no critical parts issues relevant to the completion of phase maintenance. All required parts are on-hand.

             There are no personnel issues relevant to this phase. There are 14 soldiers assigned to this phase including 1 - E7 67U Supervisor, 1 - E6 67U Flight Engineer, 1 - E5 67U Crew Chief, 5 - 67U E4 Mechanics, 2 - E4 Sheet Metal Specialist, 1 - E5 Electrician, 1 E5 Avionics Specialist, 1 E5 Powerplant Technician, 1 E4 Prop and Rotor Specialist.

             Unit Technical Supply reports that the unit Prescribed Load List (PLL) is at 98 percent of authorized stockage levels. Additionally, the unit tech supply budget is 8 percent exhausted with 5.9 million dollars remaining until the end of the Flying Hour Year (15 September).

             Todays scheduled activities consist of providing support for the daily 1400 hours launch of a four ship aircrew training program (ATP) mission for formation flight practice with sling loads. Additionally, maintenance personnel will continue to progress towards the conclusion of the maintenance on the phase aircraft. The only significant unscheduled maintenance activity for the day is the replacement of a landing light on a Second Flight Platoon Aircraft.
             On Friday at 1400, the unit maintenance sections will stand down for the weekly Bar-B-Cue in the company swimming pool area. Spouses and guests are cordially invited to participate.



             Taking care of a 16 million dollar aircraft is both a challenging and rewarding endeavor. Please step into our world and see some of the things it takes to maintain this fine machine.


Step into our world.  Take a look inside the finest Hangar in the world.  
Check out a Boeing CH-47D Chinook in Phase.  A Chinook undergoing Phase Maintenance.  
Come Climb the Stairway to Heaven.  Climb into our Cockpit and check out the Flight Deck.  


          Need an SOP?
          Click-N-Go Here.




          Downed Aircraft Recovery - What's it all about?
Click-N-Go Here to find out.
An unknown Chinook, probably in Vietnam - Anybody know the details and aircraft tailnumber?
          An Unknown Soldier




The Maintenance Team - What we really do is a well kept secret.
          Team Maintenance In Action.
          'Bud' Weizer, Eric Mckinney, Mike (The Shredder) Judd, Ray Gann



          Aviation Safety Messages
             Is your Chinook safe to operate? Review the Safety Of Flight, Aviation Safety Action, and General Aviation Safety Action Messages to be absolutely sure. Click-N-Go Here.

   Brush up on the maintenance messages by downloading a SOF/ASAM Review Class in Powerpoint - Click-N-Go Here (Right click and select "Save Target As", then run it on your computer).



          Maintenance Issues
             There are numerous known maintenance issues is existence. Some are well documented and are in widespread circulation, some are not. [ Click-N-Go Here ] to open a page containing some issues of importance and ones that the maintainers and operators should be aware of before flying.



Materials to help the Test Pilot
Click-N-Go Here




          The CH-47 - 40 years old and still circling the world.


          Comments or Questions ? Email the Webmaster. Email the Webmaster.    


Last updated: 01/07/2021 20:09:14